Hudhud - Gekoo Organic Caroban Baby Biscuit

Gekoo Organic Caroban Baby Biscuit

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Seller: Gekoo Organik

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39.20 SAR
Shipping Time
Expected delivery time : 7 Working Days

What's in Our Biscuits?

Ingredients: Wheat Flour*, Carob Extract*, Extra Virgin Olive Oil*, Whole Wheat Flour*, Semolina*, Oat Bran*(3%), Carob Flour*(2.5), Sodium bicarbonate (*Certified Organic).

Our biscuit has been developed with a high nutritional value formula special for young children.

Warnings: Allergenic ingredients are marked in bold. Contains gluten. May contain traces of sesame.

It does not contain sugar. It naturally contains sugar.

Your baby should consume only breast milk for the first 6 months. After consulting the relevant healthcare professional, you can give GekoO Baby Biscuits as supplementary food from the 12th month. Make sure that the child is fed in a sitting position and under the supervision of an adult.

The vitamins coming from the whole grains and oat bran in our biscuits are rich in minerals and antioxidants such as iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc and potassium, which also come from the grains and carob extract. These micronutrients nourish the body and strengthen the immune system.

Calcium helps the development of children's teeth and bones. Magnesium helps bones maintain a strong heart rhythm. Zinc is effective in skin and hair problems and helps strengthen immunity. Potassium plays an active role in the development and strengthening of bones.

By consuming GekoO biscuits, you get the nutrients your body needs. Since there is no refined sugar, trans fat, GMO, preservatives, additives and colorants, you protect yourself from these products.

Recommendation for Use: If your baby is not allergic, you can soften our biscuits with milk, yoghurt, fruit juice or drinking water, crush them and give them to your baby. Mixtures should always be consumed fresh.

Storage Conditions: Store in a cool and dry environment with the package closed. Protect from sun and light. After opening, the package should be closed airtight and consumed within approximately 7 days.

This product is manufactured by CERES Control and Certification Services Ltd., an international control and certification company of German origin. Ltd. Checked and certified by.

Nutrition Information

Per 1 Biscuit (~10g)
Per 100g 
Per 100g *RI%
Energy 154kj/37kcal 1536kj/367kcal  18
Fats 1,3g 13g 19
 Of which Saturates 0,2g 2g 10
Carbohydrates 5,3g 53g 20
Of which Sugars 1,3g 13g 14
Fibre 0,03g 3,3g  
Protein 0,6g 5,7g 11
Salt 0,03g 0,3g 5
Zinc 0,3mg 2,6mg 26
Phosphorus 10,8mg 108mg 15
Potassium 43mg 430mg 22
  *RI%: Reference Intake. Reference intake of an average adult. (8400kJ/2000kcal) Salt content is exclusively due to the presence of naturally occurring sodium.


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Product Return and Warranty Policy for Hudhudshop


Return Policy


Return Conditions:


You can return the product you purchased from within 14 days from the day you receive it from the shipment, by submitting a request to, under the following return conditions:


- The product purchased must be returned in its original box and the internal packaging must not be damaged.

- The invoice and all complementary accessories must be included.

- Promotional products and offers given as gifts must be sent at the same time without any damage or missing items.

- If a CD for a game and/or software is sold with the product package, if the CD for the game or software is opened, it cannot be returned within the right of withdrawal.


Products and services that are not subject to the right of withdrawal:


- Goods or services whose prices vary depending on fluctuations in the financial markets and which are not under the control of the seller or supplier.

- Products made according to the consumer's wishes or personal needs.

- Products that are perishable quickly or may expire.

- Products that are mixed with other products after delivery and cannot be separated due to their nature.

- Periodicals such as newspapers and magazines, except those published under a subscription agreement.

- Services performed immediately in the electronic environment or intangible goods delivered immediately to the consumer.

- Services that started with the consumer's approval before the withdrawal period ends.

- Services to be performed on a specific date or period such as accommodation services, transportation of goods, car rental, catering, and services aimed at entertainment or relaxation.


Returning Gift Products:


- Gift products can only be returned when sent with the main product they were attached to. Therefore, the main product and the gift product must be sent together.

- You must create return requests for both products before sending them.


Warranty Policy


Warranty Conditions:


- Hudhudshop guarantees the protection of your product from any defects in materials, design, or manufacturing that may occur after purchase.

- If Hudhudshop is the seller, a 12-month warranty will be provided for eligible products.

- If the product was purchased from another seller, the warranty conditions of that seller will apply.

- If the product is sold by Hudhudshop, repairs covered by the warranty will be carried out at authorized service centers.

- To benefit from warranty services, the original invoice is required to verify the serial number and warranty validity.

- The customer must ensure that the product is packaged in its original box or properly packed to avoid any damage during shipment.


Products not covered by the warranty:


- Defects or damage caused by misuse by the customer and non-compliance with usage instructions.

- Liquid spillage on the product.

- Products with unauthorized repairs.

- Products not covered by the warranty such as electronic accessories, which are covered for only 6 months.


Warranty Service Provider:


- Product and workmanship warranty is provided by the authorized service center and is subject to the policies of the manufacturer as outlined in the product's warranty manual or the manufacturer's website.

- Warranty and maintenance services provided by the authorized service center are not the responsibility of Hudhudshop, and the customer should contact the authorized service center directly for any complaints or claims.


Product Receipt and Delivery:


- The customer must ensure that the product is placed in its original box and securely packaged.

- The customer must provide the product and its accessories to the courier company during collection (includes earphones, battery, charger).


Always keep the original product box to ensure warranty service according to the terms and conditions of some service centers.

Product Questions and Answers (2)
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كيف يساهم البسكويت العضوي من القمح الكامل في التغذية بخصائصه؟
03 Feb 2024
Gekoo Organik
بعد الأشهر الستة الأولى من الحياة ، يبدأ الأطفال بشكل طبيعي في استهلاك الألياف مع تناول الطعام الإضافي. هذا هو أحد العوامل الرئيسية التي تضمن نمو الأمعاء للأطفال. من ناحية أخرى ، مع زيادة حركة الأطفال ، تزداد أيضًا احتياجاتهم اليومية من الطاقة. لهذا السبب ، من المهم للأطفال أن يستهلكوا مصادر غنية بالكربوهيدرات بدلاً من الفواكه والخضروات الغنية بالألياف فقط. لا تقتصر مساهمات Wefood Kids العضوية بسكويت القمح الكامل للجسم على هذا. بالإضافة إلى قيمته العالية من السعرات الحرارية ومحتواه من الألياف ، يحتوي المنتج أيضًا على أنواع مختلفة من البروتين والدهون والفيتامينات والمعادن. وبالتالي ، أثناء تلبية احتياجات الوجبات الخفيفة للأطفال ، من ناحية أخرى ، فإنه يسمح لهم باستهلاك المكونات الأساسية التي يحتاجونها بسرور.
ماذا يفعل بسكويت دايجستف ؟
03 Feb 2024
Gekoo Organik
بفضل طبيعته العضوية والخالية من الإضافات ، فإنه يوفر خيارًا للوجبات الخفيفة يمكن للآباء إعطائه بأمان لأطفالهم. يساعد على تلبية الاحتياجات اليومية من الألياف وغيرها من المكونات الأساسية للأطفال بطريقة لذيذة. مع سهولة حمله ، فإنه يوفر للآباء ميزة إخماد جوع أطفالهم في أي وقت وفي أي مكان.

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