Hudhud - For God We Go - Mahmoud Al-Hasanat
Mahmoud Alhasanat

For God We Go - Mahmoud Al-Hasanat

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**Dedication of This Book**


The wrinkles on your face tell the story of a path paved by you for me.  

I have always leaned on you as if you were the most steadfast thing in this world.  

Oh, my father! My first and last hero in my eyes!  

I dedicate this book to you.



Sheikh Mahmoud Al-Hasanat



Sheikh Mahmoud Al-Hasanat's book belongs to the religious and self-development category.


**Number of Pages:**  

The book "Lillah Namdi" by Sheikh Mahmoud Al-Hasanat contains 222 pages.


**File Size:**  

The size of the book "Lillah Namdi" by Sheikh Mahmoud Al-Hasanat is 2.9 MB.


**File Type:**  

The file type of the book "Lillah Namdi" by Sheikh Mahmoud Al-Hasanat is PDF.



All rights are reserved for the publisher, and the reprinting, transfer, or electronic publication of this book in any form is not allowed without prior written permission from the publisher.


**Publisher Name:**  

Dar Al-Madhhab


**Overview of the Book "Lillah Namdi"**  

The book "Lillah Namdi" by Sheikh Mahmoud Al-Hasanat, the best-seller at international book fairs, is one of the most prominent works focusing on calling people to God by narrating life experiences and religious lessons aimed at strengthening the reader's spiritual faith. Sheikh Mahmoud Al-Hasanat, known for his impactful style and his ability to connect with youth, presents in this book a collection of texts reflecting the depth of his experience in Islamic preaching and his interaction with people.


**Book Content:**  

The book covers various topics related to daily life and the events that any Muslim might encounter. The Sheikh begins by guiding the reader on the importance of sincerity to God in every action, explaining how one can turn worldly deeds into acts of worship and closeness to God if the intention is pure and the goal is to please God.


**Topics Covered in the Book:**  

**Reliance on God:**  

The Sheikh discusses the importance of relying on God in all aspects of life, citing real-life stories and prophetic traditions that show how dependence on God always leads to the best outcomes, even when the surrounding circumstances are challenging.


**Patience in Adversity:**  

The book addresses the topic of patience through live examples and religious advice, pointing out that adversity is part of the test of faith and that great reward awaits those who are patient and seek reward from God.


**Contemplation of Blessings:**  

The Sheikh emphasizes the necessity of thanking God for the many blessings that people often overlook in their daily lives and urges the reader to reflect on these blessings and their impact on their spiritual and psychological life.


**Preaching with Gentleness and Wisdom:**  

The book stresses the importance of wisdom and gentleness in calling people to God, quoting from the life of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his ethics in preaching.


**The Sheikh's Style:**  

Sheikh Mahmoud Al-Hasanat uses an enjoyable storytelling style that captivates the reader, integrating Quranic verses and prophetic traditions that reinforce the intended message. The book combines religious emotions with jurisprudential information in a way that makes it easy for the reader to understand and apply the ideas presented in their life.


**General Message:**  

The message the book aims to convey is that life, with all its hardships and challenges, can be a means of drawing closer to God if managed correctly by the believer, and that every action a believer undertakes should be for God alone. The book invites the reader to deeply contemplate the meaning and purpose of life, encouraging them to strive constantly toward spiritual perfection and attachment to God.


**Impact of the Book:**  

"Lillah Namdi" is not just a book for reading; it is a practical guide aimed at improving a Muslim's daily life by strengthening their connection with God and deepening their understanding of Islam. The book leaves a lasting impact on the reader, enhancing their determination to face life with optimism and positivity derived from faith in God. In short, "Lillah Namdi" is a book that enriches the soul, enhances religious and moral values, and serves as a source of inspiration for anyone seeking a life full of faith and good deeds.


**The Book "Lillah Namdi"**





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