Hudhud - Plantain 60 Gm Arifoğlu

Plantain 60 Gm Arifoğlu

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Seller: Wyndham

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Expected delivery time : 7 Working Days

Plantain herb product details Arifoğlu

The Latin name is plantain. It is a plant resistant to difficult climatic conditions. There are many small flowers of the mature arthropod at the ends of its branches.


It has had a wide area of use throughout history. Plantain herb from Arifoglu. It grows in wetlands and on nutrient-rich slopes


Roadsides and meadows in Türkiye.


Benefits of plantain herb

Plantain (Yarrow) has many health benefits and traditional uses.


Here are the most important benefits of plantain herb:


1. Reducing inflammation:

Plantain herb has anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce inflammation and swelling.


2. Improve digestion:

Plantain herb helps soothe intestinal problems such as diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting.


3. Improve heart health:

Consuming plantain contributes to improving heart health and lowering blood cholesterol levels.


4. Strengthening the immune system:

Plantain contains compounds that help boost immune system health and fight infections.


5. Relieve menstrual pain:

The plantain plant helps relieve menstrual pain and regulate the menstrual cycle.


6. Improve skin health:

It contributes to improving skin health and treating some skin problems.


7. Improve relaxation:

Topical use of plantain helps in achieving relaxation and relieving stress.


8. Supporting the slimming process:

Some nutritional supplements containing plantain are used as part of weight loss programs.


Benefits of plantain herb for the colon


Plantain herb (Yarrow) has some benefits for the colon and digestive system.


  Some of these benefits include:


1- Reducing inflammation.


2- Improve digestion.


3- Relieve constipation.


4- Reducing gas and bloating.


5- Reducing pain and cramps.


Benefits of plantain herb for weight loss


Plantain herb helps with slimming in some ways, but it must be used with caution and in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle.


Here are some of the benefits of plantain herb for weight loss:


1. Increase metabolic rate.


2. Reduce appetite.


3. Improve digestion.


4. Reduce bloating and gas.


Benefits of plantain herb for pregnancy


Plantain herb for pregnancy contributes to soothing digestive system problems and relieving nausea. A healthcare provider should be consulted before use during pregnancy.


Harmful effects of plantain


Plantain herb can cause harm to allergic and skin diseases:


1. Skin reactions


2. Drug interactions


3. Side effects on the stomach


Names of the plantain herb


Plantain is a medicinal plant known by different names depending on culture and region.


Here are some known names for this herb:


1. Plantain:

This is the famous Arabic name for the plant.


2.Millifolia Herba:

This is the scientific name of plantain in Latin.



This is the common English name of the plant.


4. Achillea millefolium:

It is the full scientific name for plantain.


5. Milfoil:

This name is derived from the French language.


6. Nosebleed plant:

This name is related to the previous use of the plant in treating nosebleeds.


7. Soldier's woundwort:

This name refers to the use of plantain to treat soldiers' wounds in the past.


8. Thousand-leaf:

This name is related to the abundance of feathery leaves of the plantain plant.


Form of plantain herb


The plantain herb has large, oval-shaped leaves that can be eaten raw or cooked.


Form of plantain herb



How to use plantain herb

One or two teaspoons of plantain herb should be added to the boiling water. Then it should be covered and left to soak for 5 to 7 minutes.


After that, the plantain herb can be consumed comfortably.


How to use plantain herb for weight loss


Plantain is a plant traditionally used in cultures as a medicinal herb, which contributes to the slimming process.


Here is how to use plantain for weight loss:


1. Preparing tea:

Boil water, remove it from the heat, then place a few plantain leaves in the boiling water. Leave it to soak for 5-10 minutes.


2. Filter tea:

Strain the tea to remove leaves and sediment.


3. Drink tea:

Drink the resulting tea slowly and regularly. It is preferable to drink two to three cups of tea daily.


4. Nutritional balance:

Plantain should be used as part of a balanced diet and regular exercise to achieve best results.


Why should you prefer Arifoğlu herbal products?

In Turkey, where there are fertile lands suitable for plant growth, you find the most valuable agricultural crops in the world. These unique lands embrace a mane of plants


And precious herbs that represent a rich natural and cultural heritage. Building on this heritage, a brand of plant-based products has emerged in these lands, Arifoğlu.


Arifoğlu products include a collection of valuable and beloved plants all over the world. We take great care in choosing the right plant


At the right time, as we collect it with care and craftsmanship. We analyze these plants based on precise and strict scientific standards, and ensure their high quality.


Using sterile packaging conditions, we pack these precious plants with care and attention to ensure that their unique quality is maintained. We offer these vegetarian products


Of high value to all our customers who share Arifoğlu awareness with us.


We realize that preserving these valuable plants is part of our responsibility to future generations. We always strive to support environmental living by providing our plant-based products


In large quantities. But most importantly, we work with passion and love towards our work.


At Arifoğlu, we are proud of our products and strive to provide our best to our customers.


Shipping and delivery

Hudhud application provides fast shipping and delivery of famous Arifoglu products from Turkey to your door

  The shipping period is 5-7 working days after the order is processed


payment methods

Safe and easy payment methods are available:


- Payment at the door


- Payment by credit card


To view all Arifoğlu products, click on Arifoğlu

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- Hudhudshop guarantees the protection of your product from any defects in materials, design, or manufacturing that may occur after purchase.

- If Hudhudshop is the seller, a 12-month warranty will be provided for eligible products.

- If the product was purchased from another seller, the warranty conditions of that seller will apply.

- If the product is sold by Hudhudshop, repairs covered by the warranty will be carried out at authorized service centers.

- To benefit from warranty services, the original invoice is required to verify the serial number and warranty validity.

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Products not covered by the warranty:


- Defects or damage caused by misuse by the customer and non-compliance with usage instructions.

- Liquid spillage on the product.

- Products with unauthorized repairs.

- Products not covered by the warranty such as electronic accessories, which are covered for only 6 months.


Warranty Service Provider:


- Product and workmanship warranty is provided by the authorized service center and is subject to the policies of the manufacturer as outlined in the product's warranty manual or the manufacturer's website.

- Warranty and maintenance services provided by the authorized service center are not the responsibility of Hudhudshop, and the customer should contact the authorized service center directly for any complaints or claims.


Product Receipt and Delivery:


- The customer must ensure that the product is placed in its original box and securely packaged.

- The customer must provide the product and its accessories to the courier company during collection (includes earphones, battery, charger).


Always keep the original product box to ensure warranty service according to the terms and conditions of some service centers.

Product Questions and Answers (1)
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ماهي عشبة لسان الحمل
28 Sep 2023
عشبة لسان الحمل هي نبات عشبي يعرف بالاسم العلمي "Alchemilla vulgaris" وتتبع هذه العشبة لفصيلة Rosaceae. تعتبر عشبة لسان الحمل شائعة في مناطق مختلفة حول العالم، وهي معروفة بفوائدها الطبية والعديد من الاستخدامات التقليدية. تُستخدم أوراق عشبة لسان الحمل في التطبيقات العلاجية والطب الشعبي لعلاج مجموعة متنوعة من الأمراض والحالات. يُعتقد أنها تحتوي على مضادات للالتهابات ومضادات للأكسدة ومكونات أخرى تمنحها خصائص مفيدة. من بين الاستخدامات الشائعة لعشبة لسان الحمل: 1. دعم صحة الجهاز الهضمي. 2. تخفيف الالتهابات والحمى. 3. مساعدة في تنظيم الدورة الشهرية وتخفيف الآلام النسائية. 4. دعم الجهاز البولي وتقليل التهابات المسالك البولية. 5. تقديم المساعدة في علاج الإسهال والإمساك.

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